Voluntary Code Of Conduct


It is increasingly important for us Indians, wherever we are located in this world , to take responsibility for all our actions and inactions. Most importantly we have a responsibility towards the millions of under-privileged Indians who silently contribute to making our life easier and comfortable. We have to make sure that the weaker sections of the society, whose work also is contributing to our success and that of our country, is not deprived of his or her human rights, or suffers mental or bodily harm.

We have set up a Voluntary Code of Conduct. We urge you to read, understand , think and accept this Code. As a mark of your acceptance, kindly check-off the box and fill-in your name , address and country. Your identity will be prominently displayed in this site. We also encourage you to send this web-link to like-minded friends who could support the voluntary Movement.


  • I do not accept child labour.
  • I recognise the rights of every child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
  • I am concerned about the situation of children in many parts of India. I acknowledge the fact that child labour does exist and can’t be eradicated with rules or inspections, as long as the children’s social situation is not improved.
  • I want to spread awareness & actively work with people, communities, factories and with NGO’s (Non Government Organisations), to try to improve the situation for the children affected .
  • If a child is found working in any situation – domestic servant in homes, construction industry, factories , I will inquest to make sure that the work conditions & measures taken are in the child’s best interest.
  • The employer should pay all costs which a child may incur for medical care, following an injury during work.
  • I will, in co-operation with the factory, seek to find a satisfactory solution, taking into consideration the child’s age, social situation, education, etc.
  • I will not ask to dismiss a child without a discussion about the child’s future.
  • Any measure I take will always aim to improve, not worsen,each individual child’s situation.
  • I will report any abuse of children to the enforcement authorities & the concerned NGOs, immediately.


All workers – domestic servants, drivers, restaurant servers, porters, etc. should be entitled to his or her basic rights:

  • I will not accept that bonded workers, prisoners or illegal workers are used in the community around us.
  • Under no circumstances shall I accept that workers, porters, domestic servants are exposed to corporal punishment or other forms of mental or physical disciplinary actions, or made vulnerable to sexual harassment. I will notify this , immediately to the enforcement and NGOs.
  • All unorganised workers should be free to join associations of their own choosing, and they should have the right to bargain collectively.
  • I don’t accept any disciplinary actions from the employer/factory ,etc. against workers who choose to peacefully and lawfully organise or join an association.
  • I will not agree to any worker being discriminated against because of race, gender, religion or ethnic background.
  • Wages should be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of work performance.
  • Female workers should be given their stipulated maternity leave in case of pregnancy.
  • I will report unfair Dismissal of pregnant female workers immediately to enforcement authorities and Women`s Protection NGOs.
  • If an employer (eg: hotel, restaurants, factories, etc.) provides housing facilities for its staff, the requirements regarding safety and hygene conditions, should be observed.
  • All employees must be provided with their own individual bed, and the living space. Separate dormitories, toilets and showers should be provided for men and women.
  • There should be no restriction on the workers’ right to leave the dormitory during off hours.
  • I will particularly stress the importance of ventilation, unobstructed emergency exits and evacuation in dormitory areas.


Employing a Porter is the best way of getting cash directly to the poorest section of the community.

  • I will pay fair wages
  • I will not over-negotiate wages
  • I will not overload my porter
  • I will report all instances of neglect or abuse
  • Non-compliance Alert
  • If I find repeated violations and compromise on basic requirements regarding safety and human rights
  • I will immediately inform the enforcement authorities and one or more of the voluntary organizations or NGOs to take action.

Yes, I accept this voluntary code of conduct & join this Humanitarian
Movement Against Child Oppression & Others Living in Exploitation:

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